About Agrolink

Launched on Dec 8th 2014 Agrolink Flanders is a collaboration platform of the Faculties of Bioscience Engineering of UGent, the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering of KU Leuven, ILVO, KBIVB, EPC, the Praktijkpunt landbouw Vlaams-Brabant, the Hooibeekhoeve, the Research Centre Hoogstraten, Inagro, VITO, PCFruit, Viaverda and VCBT. Agrolink was initiated as a result of numerous, succesful collaborations between the 14 members.

Platforms Agrolink Flanders


  • to form a consortium of knowledge centers in Flanders with strong expertise in agricultural and horticultural research
  • to combine a broad range of competencies in fundamental and applied agricultural and horticultural research
  • to reinforce the synergy between the constituting partners
  • to promote brand awareness and strengthen international activities


Agrolink Flanders will become the first point of contact in Flanders for the agroindustry, the research community and agri- and horticultural policy-makers.


  • to link parties from the agricultural and horticultural sector looking for partnerships, specific know-how or high quality infrastructure
  • to promote the agri- and horticultural research capacity in Flanders
  • to increase the participation of Agrolink Flanders partners in European and international research consortia

Facts and figures

Agrolink Flanders represents 14 partner institutions, 2 of which rank among the top 10 universities in European. The platform has more than 35000 researchers and technicians . Over 2000 research projects are running on different topics in modern agriculture and horticulture. All together Agrolink Flanders’ research accounts for 4000 publications in peer reviewed journals per year. Agrolink Flanders has a topnotch infrastructure with over 600 ha experimental fields, 10 ha of experimental greenhouses, and 32000 m2 of animal housing. Agrolink Flanders has numerous quality labels and accreditations.

Project partners
logo ilvo logo KULeuven logo faculteit bio-ingenieurs UGent logo PCH logo INAGRO logo KBIVB logo Universiteit Gent logo pcfruit logo praktijkpunt vlaams-brabant logo provincie antwerpen (hooibeekhoeve en proefbedrijf pluimvee) logo pskw logo viaverda logo vcbt logo vito